SIRE Stéphane

Maître de conférences HDR, section 60
Associate Professor - Accredited to supervise research

Etablissement : Université Bretagne Occidentale
Affectation de recherche : LBMS (Laboratoire brestois de mécanique et des systèmes)

Equipe(s) : Mécanique des matériaux et des assemblages
Pour la messagerie : pré
Page personnelle :

S. Sire, P.D. Toasa Caiza, B. Espion, M. Ragueneau, "Contribution to the Study of the Fatigue of Riveted Joints, Influence of the Material and of the Stress Ratio". In: Lesiuk, G., Duda, S., Correia, J.A.F.O., De Jesus, A.M.P. (eds) Fatigue and Fracture of Materials and Structures. Structural Integrity, vol 24. Springer, Cham (2022), pp. 367-373.

S. Sire, "Global Statistical Analysis of Old Iron and Steel Properties Based on Old and Recent Literature Review". In: Lesiuk, G., Duda, S., Correia, J.A.F.O., De Jesus, A.M.P. (eds) Fatigue and Fracture of Materials and Structures. Structural Integrity, vol 24. Springer, Cham. (2022), pp. 259-265.

P.D. Toasa Caiza, S. Sire, T. Ummenhofer, Y. Uematsu, "Full and partial compression fatigue tests on welded specimens of steel St 52-3. Effects of the stress ratio on the probabilistic fatigue life estimation", Applications in Engineering Science (2022), Volume 10, June 2022, 100091.

P.D. Toasa Caiza, S. Sire, T. Ummenhofer, Y. Uematsu, "Low cost estimation of Wöhler and Goodman–Haigh curves of Ti-6Al-4V samples by considering the stress ratio effect", Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct. (2022), 45:441–450.

P-J. Tisserand, S. Sire, M. Ragueneau, "Estimation of the clamping force of riveted assemblies through a thermomechanical modelling", Proc. of the 12th SAHC (2021), Sep 2021, pp. 1940-1946

S. Sire, B. Espion, M. Ragueneau, "The emergence of electric arc welding in the construction and reinforcement of railway bridges in France, 1930s–1940s", Proc. of the 7ICCH (2021), Jul 2021, Lisbon, Portugal. pp. 772-778

M. Desvaux, M. Chauwin, B. Multon, S. Sire, H. Ben Ahmed, "Experimental Validation of a Transverse Flux Magnetic Gear", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. (2021), Vol 536, 168139.

S. Sire, P.D. Toasa Caiza, B. Espion, M. Ragueneau, "Contribution to the study of the influence of the stress ratio on the high cycle fatigue behaviour of riveted joints", Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct. (2020).

S. Sire, M. Ragueneau, "Fatigue Design of Metallic Railway Bridges in France at the End of the 19th Century", Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Forensic Engineering (2020).

M. Desvaux, B. Multon, S. Sire, H. Ben Ahmed, "2 x 2D Analytical Model of a Transverse Flux Magnetic Gear", International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM) 2020, Aug. 2020, Gothenburg, Sweden.

S. Sire, M. Ragueneau, "Evolution of the design of iron and steel railway bridges in France at the end of the 19th century", Procedia Structural Integrity (2019), Vol 22, pp. 64-69.

G. Lesiuk, S. Sire, M. Ragueneau, J.A.F.O. Correia, B.A.S. Pedrosa, A.M.P. De Jesus, "Mean stress effect and fatigue crack closure in material from old bridge erected in the late 19th century", Procedia Structural Integrity (2019), Vol 17, pp. 198-205.

M. Desvaux, S. Sire, B. Multon, H. Ben Hamed, D. Ekeom, “Analyse du comportement dynamique d'un multiplicateur magnétique au sein d'une chaîne éolienne de forte puissance”, CFM 2019, Brest, France.

F. Sioc'han, S. Sire, En Rade de Brest, deux ouvrages audacieux et impressionnants : le Pont de Plougastel et le Pont de l’Iroise, Les cahiers de l'Iroise (2019), n°232, pp. 119-131. EAN : 2000158278182

F. Sioc'han, S. Sire, Un patrimoine d’ouvrages d’art ferroviaires remarquables et innovants en Bretagne, Les cahiers de l'Iroise (2019), n°232, pp. 105-116. EAN : 2000158278182

M. Desvaux, S. Sire, S. Hlioui, H.,Ben Ahmed, B.,Multon, Development of a Hybrid Analytical Model for a Fast Computation of Magnetic Losses and Optimization of Coaxial Magnetic Gears, IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion (2019), Vol 34, issue 1, pp. 25-35.

M. Desvaux, B. Multon,H. Ben Ahmed, S. Sire, Magneto-mechanical analysis of magnetic gear pole pieces ring from analytical models for wind turbine applications, Wind Engineering (2018), Vol 42, issue 4, pp. 276–285.

M. Desvaux, H. Bildstein, B. Multon, H. Ben Ahmed, S. Sire, D. Laloy, A. Fasquelle, Magnetic losses and thermal analysis in a magnetic gear for wind turbine, EVER' 2018, Apr. 2018, Monaco.

M. Desvaux, B. Multon, H. Ben Ahmed, S. Sire, “Behaviour comparison between mechanical epicyclic gears and magnetic gears“, Multibody Mechatronic Systems, 54, 2017, Mechanisms and Machine Science, Springer, pp. 401-410.

M. Desvaux, B. Multon, H. Ben Ahmed, S. Sire, “Supporting the Laminated Ferromagnetic Pole Pieces in a Magnetic Gear: A Structure Behaviour Analysis from a Multibody Model“, Multibody Mechatronic Systems, 54, 2017, Mechanisms and Machine Science, Springer, pp. 85-94.

M. Desvaux, S. Sire, B. Multon, H. Ben Hamed, “Dimensionnement magnéto-mécanique des plots magnétiques feuilletés d'un multiplicateur magnétique pour l'éolien de forte puissance”, CFM 2017, Lille, France.

M. Desvaux, B. Multon, S. Sire, and H. Ben Ahmed, “Optimisation bi-objectif explicite d’un multiplicateur magnétique pour l’éolien,” JCGE 2017, Juin 2017, Arras.

F. Sioc'han, S. Sire, “Le Pont de l'Iroise”, Presses des Ponts, 2017, 216p.  ISBN : 978-2-85978-507-9

L. Gallegos Mayorga, S. Sire, J.A.F.O. Correia, A.M.P. De Jesus, C. Rebelo, A. Fernández-Canteli, M. Ragueneau, B. Plu, "Statistical evaluation of fatigue strength of double shear riveted connections and crack growth rates of materials from old bridges", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 185 (2017), pp. 241–257.

L. Gallegos Mayorga, S. Sire, M. Ragueneau, B.Plu, "Understanding the behaviour of wrought-iron riveted assemblies: manufacture and testing in France", Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering History and Heritage, Volume 170, Issue 2 (2017), pp. 67-79.

M. Desvaux, B. Traullé, R. L. G. Latimier, S. Sire, B. Multon, and H. Ben Ahmed, “Computation Time Analysis of the Magnetic Gear Analytical Model”, IEEE Trans. Magn., (2017) vol. 53, no. 5.

M. Desvaux, B. Multon, S. Sire, and H. Ben Ahmed, “Analytical Iron Loss Model for the Optimization of Magnetic Gear", IEMDC 2017, Miami, USA.

M. Desvaux, B. Multon, H. Ben Ahmed, and S. Sire, “Magneto-mechanical sizing of magnetic gear laminated pole pieces for Wind Turbine Applications", Winercost’2017, Apr. 2017, Coimbra, Portugal.

M. Desvaux, B. Multon, H. Ben Ahmed, D. Laloy, A. Fasquelle, S. Sire,“Gear Ratio Optimization of a Full Magnetic Indirect Drive Chain for Wind Turbine Applications”, EVER' 2017, Apr. 2017, Monaco.

S. Sire, L. Gallegos Mayorga, "France : protection patrimoniale des ponts métalliques", Thema & Collecta (2016), n°5, ICOMOS Wallonie-Bruxelles. ISBN : 978-2-9600205-6-4

M. Desvaux, R. Le Goff Latimier, B. Multon, S. Sire, H. Ben Ahmed, "Analysis of the dynamic behaviour of magnetic gear with nonlinear modelling for large wind turbines", International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM) 2016, Sept. 2016, Lausanne, Suisse. https//

L. Gallegos Mayorga, S. Sire, B. Plu,  “Experimental investigation on hot riveted double shear connections, a friction analysis“, Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. Anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls. Taylor & Francis Group, SAHC 2016, Sep 2016, Leuven, Belgium, pp.1332-1337.

L. Gallegos Mayorga, S. Sire, J.A.F.O. Correia, A.M.P. De Jesus, I. Valente, C. Rebelo, A. Fernandez-Canteli, M. Ragueneau, B. Plu, “Design S-N curves for old Portuguese and French riveted bridges connection based on statistical analysis“, Procedia Engineering 160 (2016), pp. 77-84.

M. Desvaux, R. Le Goff Latimier, H. Ben Ahmed, B. Multon, S. Sire, “Modélisation des pertes dans les aimants d'un multiplicateur magnétique pour l'éolien“, Symposium de Génie Electrique, Juin 2016, Grenoble, France.

M. Desvaux, R. Le Goff Latimier, B. Multon, H. Ben Ahmed, S. Sire, “Design and Optimization of Magnetic Gears with Arrangement and Mechanical Constraints for Wind Turbine Applications”, EVER'16, Apr 2016, Monaco.

Q. Collette, S. Sire, I. Wouters, “Mécanisation de la technologie du rivetage en construction métallique (1830-1940) : fabrication et installation des rivets“, Les temps de la construction, éditions Picard, 2016, pp. 883-892. ISBN : 978-2708410053

F. Sioc’han, S. Sire, “Analyse d’une ingénierie des matériaux innovante au début du XXè siècle. Toupin, un viaduc de l’ingénieur Harel de la Noë“, Les temps de la construction, éditions Picard, 2016, pp. 589-598. ISBN : 978-2708410053

S. Sire, S. Lemaître, “La restauration de la gare de Versailles-Château : évolution et comparaison des techniques et des matériaux“, Les temps de la construction, éditions Picard, 2016, pp. 1001-1007. ISBN : 978-2708410053

L. Gallegos Mayorga, S. Sire, B. Plu, "Understanding fatigue mechanisms in ancient metallic railway bridges: a microscopic study of puddled iron", Procedia Engineering 114 (2015), pp. 422-429.

S. Sire, L. Gallegos Mayorga, B. Plu, "Observation of failure scenarios in riveted assemblies: an innovative experimental strategy", Procedia Engineering 114 (2015), pp. 430-436.

Q. Collette, S. Sire, I. Wouters, "Lap shear tests on repaired wrought-iron riveted connections", Engineering structures, 85(2015) pp. 170-181.

G. Rückert, N. Perry, S. Sire, S. Marya, "Enhanced Weld Penetrations In GTA Welding with Activating Fluxes - Case studies: Plain Carbon & Stainless Steels, Titanium and Aluminum", Materials Science Forum, 04/2014; 783-786, pp. 2804-2809.

Q. Collette, S. Sire, W. J. Vermes, V. J. Mesler, I. Wouters, "Experimental investigations on hot-driven structural rivets in historical French and Belgian wrought-iron structures (1880s–1890s)", Construction and Building Materials, 54(2014) pp. 258-269.

L. Gallegos Mayorga, S. Sire, S. Calloch, S. Yang, L. Dieleman, JL. Martin, "A self heating approach to characterize anisotropy effects in fatigue behaviour: application to a nineteenth century puddle iron from a French railway bridge", Advanced Materials Research Vols. 891-892 (2014) pp 136-142.

L. Gallegos Mayorga, S. Sire, S. Calloch, S. Yang, L. Dieleman, JL. Martin, "Fast characterization of fatigue properties of an anisotropic metallic material: application to a puddle iron from a nineteenth century French railway bridge", Procedia Engineering 66 (2013) pp. 689-696.

L. Gallegos Mayorga, S. Sire, S. Calloch, S. Yang, L. Dieleman, JL. Martin, "Fast fatigue characterization of metallic materials from ancient French railway bridges: a comparative study", Proc. of the 10th World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR 2013), 25-28 november 2013, Sydney

S. Sire et al., "Determination of the mean fatigue limit of a French railway bridge puddle iron by self-heating measurements under cyclic loadings", In: Biondini & Frangopol (Ed.), Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability, 2012, p. 3826-3830.

S. Sire et al., "Fast characterization of fatigue properties of a French historical railway bridge puddle iron". In: Jasienko J, editor. Proc of the Int Conf on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Wroclaw: DWE; 2012, vol. 3, p. 2231-7.

S. Sire et al., "Apport des mesures de l'auto-échauffement sous sollicitations cycliques pour la détermination des propriétés en fatigue polycyclique d'un matériau très inclusionnaire", 20ème Congrès français de mécanique, Besançon, septembre 2011

S. Sire, "Les ponts métalliques à Brest au XIXe siècle, les exemples du pont tournant de Recouvrance et du viaduc de Lambézellec". Bosman F, Mille M, Piernas G (dir). In : L’art du vide, ponts d’ici et d’ailleurs. Trois siècles de génie français, XVIIIe-XXe, Paris : Somogy éditions d’art ; 2010, p. 64-75. ISBN 978-2-757-20357-6

S. Sire, "Les maquettes virtuelles au service de l'histoire des techniques ; l'exemple du viaduc de Lambézellec de Louis Harel de la Noë et Armand Considère". Carvais R, Guillerme A, Nègre V, Sakarovitch J (dir), In: Edifices & Artifices, histoires constructives, Paris : Picard ; 2010, p. 265-272. ISBN : 978-2708408760

S. Sire, D. Cochou, J-F. Peron, "De l'aide des maquettes virtuelles à la restauration d'un ouvrage d'art historique. Le viaduc de Lambézellec (Brest)", Documents pour l'histoire des techniques, 2009, pp. 43-49. ISBN 978-2-9530779-4-0