Bruno Blanke

Bruno Blanke

Bruno Blanke

• Directeur de recherche CNRS au Laboratoire d’Océanographie Physique et Spatiale (LOPS) de Brest
• Adjoint au Directeur scientifique référent CNRS pour le site de Sorbonne Université
• Président du Conseil scientifique interne de l’IUEM
02 90 91 55 07

Mes recherches se concentrent sur les courants et les échanges de masses d'eau opérés à l’échelle de la circulation générale océanique, ainsi que sur la dynamique des systèmes régionaux d'upwelling de bord est et leur sensibilité au couplage air-mer. J’ai mis au point et développé un outil diagnostique performant, ARIANE, disponible pour l’ensemble de la communauté scientifique et utilisé pour l'analyse de la dynamique océanique, sur la base de flotteurs numériques transportés par des champs de vitesse déduits de simulations numériques ou dérivés d'observations.

Bruno Blanke


Date of birth and marital status: May 22, 1964; married, three children.


Citizenship: French.


Present appointments:

• CNRS Senior Researcher in Physical Oceanography (2008-now)
              Laboratoire d’Océanographie Physique et Spatiale (CNRS/LOPS), Brest, France;

• Assistant to the CNRS Directeur Scientifique Référent (ADSR) for the Sorbonne Université site (2021-now)

              Direction d’Appui aux Partenariats Publics (CNRS/DAPP), Paris, France.


Former Appointments:

• 2016-2020: Scientific head of the Ocean-Atmosphere division at CNRS/INSU;

• 1997-2008: CNRS Researcher at the Laboratoire de Physique des Océans, Brest, France;

• 1994-1997: CNRS Researcher at the Laboratoire d’Océanographie Dynamique et de Climatologie (LODYC), Paris, France;

• 1992-1994: CNRS Research Scientist (CR) and UCLA Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Los Angeles, California.



• Accreditation to supervise research (HDR) from the Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France (2001);

• PhD from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), Paris, France (1992);

• Engineering degree in Meteorology from the École Nationale de la Météorologie (1989);

• Engineering degree from the École Polytechnique (1987).



• 1989-1992: PhD in Physical Oceanography, at the Laboratoire d’Océanographie Dynamique et de Climatologie (Paris, France);

• 1987-1989: École Nationale de la Météorologie, Toulouse, France;

• 1984-1987: École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.


Scientific missions:

• 2010/07: Visiting Scientist at the universities of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) and Los Angeles (UCLA), California.

• 2006/07: Visiting Scientist at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) of the University of Miami, Florida;

• 2003/10-2003/12: Visiting Scientist at the Department of Oceanography of UCT, South Africa;

• 2001/11-2002/07: Visiting Scientist at the Department of Oceanography of the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa;


Research interests:

• Lagrangian analysis of the circulation calculated by global and regional ocean models;

• Eastern-boundary upwelling systems;

• Coupling and transfer of properties between the coastal and open ocean;

• Large-scale variability of the Atlantic Ocean and the global ocean circulation.


Software development:

Ariane: “Analyse lagrangienne de la dynamique de modèles numériques de circulation océanique
CeCILL license; constant developments and updates; training courses;

• Participation in the development of the Ichthyop and Waters models.


Recent (<10 yr) administrative and technical responsibilities:

• Special advisor to the CNRS Deputy director for science on CNRS key figures and indicators (2023-now);

• Chairman of the Observatoire de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (OVSQ) board (2022-now);

• Chairman of the Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM) internal scientific council (2022-now);

• Scientific head of the Ocean Atmosphere division at CNRS/INSU, from March 2016 to December 2020;

• Member of the TOSCA committee (evaluation of CNES-fundable proposals), from 2007 to 2014;

• Joint management of the Laboratoire de Physique des Océans (2008-2011 term and 2012-2013 half term.


Projects, partnership and valorization:

Research studies led in partnership with CNES, Ifremer, IRSN and SHOM.


Communication and public awareness

• “Voyage au centre de la mer”, a documentary film about ocean currents, directed by Marc Jampolsky and coproduced by Arte, showcased at the 2013 Pariscience international science film festival (3-8 Oct. 2013; invited speaker).

Note: The genesis of this film and its framework rely heavily on my scientific work on the Lagrangian description of the global ocean circulation, with especially an animation that was used in several scientific events: “Océan et Climat” at the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie (Spring 2011), CNRS/sagascience multimedia package about the climate system (Fall 2010), etc.


Recent peer-reviewed publications (master, PhD and postdoctoral students under my supervision are underlined):

Bajon R, T. Huck, N. Grima, C. Maes, B. Blanke, C Richon, and X Couvelard, 2023: Influence of waves on the three-dimensional distribution of plastic in the ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 187, 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114533Chenillat, F., T. Huck, C. Maes, N. Grima, and B. Blanke, 2021: Fate of floating plastic debris released along the coasts in a global ocean model. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 165, 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112116.

Ishii, M., K. B. Rodgers, H. Y. Inoue, K. Toyama, D. Sasano, N. Kosugi, H. Ono, K. Enyo, T. Nakano, D. Iudicone, B. Blanke, O. Aumont and R. A. Feely, 2020: Ocean acidification from below in the tropical Pacific. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34, 10.1029/2019GB006368.

Dobler, D., T. Huck, C. Maes, N. Grima, B. Blanke, É. Martinez, and F. Ardhuin, 2019: Large impact of Stokes drift on the fate of surface floating debris in the South Indian Basin. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 148, 202-209, 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.07.057.

Laxenaire, R., S. Speich, B. Banke, A. Chaigneau, and C. Pegliasco, 2018: New insights on Agulhas Rings dynamics as inferred from altimetry. Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, 10.1029/2018JC014270

Chenillat F., P. J. S. Franks, X. Capet; P. Rivière, N. Grima, B. Blanke, and V. Combes, 2018: Eddy properties in the Southern California Current system. Ocean Dynamics, 68, 761-767, 10.1007/s10236-018-1158-4.

Rousselet, L., A. de Verneuil, A. M. Doglioli, A. A. Petrenko, S. Duhamel, C. Maes, and B. Blanke, 2018: Large- to submesoscale surface circulation and its implications on biogeochemical/biological horizontal distributions during the Outpace cruise (southwest Pacific). Biogeosciences, 15, 2411–2431, 10.5194/bg-15-2411-2018.

Capuano, T. A., S. Speich, X. Carton, and B. Blanke, 2018: Mesoscale and submesoscale processes in the southeast Atlantic and their impact on the regional thermohaline structure. Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, 1937-1961, 10.1002/2017JC013396.

Maes, C., N. Grima, B. Blanke, É. Martinez, T. Paviet-Salomon, and T. Huck, 2018: A surface “superconvergent” pathway connecting the South Indian Ocean to the subtropical South Pacific Gyre. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 10.1002/2017GL076366.

Van Sebille, E., S.M. Griffies, R. Abernathey, T.P. Adams, P. Berloff, A. Biastoch, B. Blanke, E.P. Chassignet, Y. Cheng, C.J. Cotter, E. Deleersnijder, K. Döös, H. Drake, S. Drijfhout, S.F. Gary, A.W. Heemink, J. Kjellsson, I.M. Koszalka, M. Lange, C. Lique, G.A. MacGilchrist, R. Marsh, G.C. Mayorga Adame, R. McAdam, F. Nencioli, C.B. Paris, M.D. Piggott, J.A. Polton, S. Rühs, S.H. Shah, M.D. Thomas, J. Wang, P.J. Wolfram, L. Zanna, and J.D. Zika, 2018: Lagrangian ocean analysis: fundamentals and practices. Ocean Modelling, 121, 49-75, 10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.11.008.

Toyama, K., K.B. Rodgers, B. Blanke, D. Iudicone, M. Ishii, O. Aumont, and J.L. Sarmiento, 2017: Large re-emergence of anthropogenic carbon into the ocean’s surface mixed layer sustained by the ocean’s overturning circulation. Journal of Climate, 30, 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0725.1.

Desbiolles, F., A. Bentamy, B. Blanke, C. Roy, A.M. Mestas-Nuñez, S.A. Grodsky, S. Herbette, G. Cambon, and C. Maes, 2017: Two decades |LS|1992-2012|RS| of surface wind analyses based on satellite scatterometer observations. Journal of Marine Systems, 168, 38-56, 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2017.01.003.

Rousselet, L., A.M. Doglioli, C. Maes, B. Blanke, and A. Petrenko, 2016: Impacts of mesoscale activity on the water masses and circulation in the Coral Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 7277–7289, 10.1002/ 2016JC011861.

Maes, C., B. Blanke, and E. Martinez, 2016: Origin and fate of surface drift in the oceanic convergence zones of the eastern Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 3398-3405, 10.1002/2016GL068217.

Bennis, A.-C., F. Dumas, and B. Blanke, 2016: Modulation of wave-current interactions by horizontal mixing and spatial resolution. Ocean Modelling, 99, 75-85, 10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.12.005.

Desbiolles, F., B. Blanke, A. Bentamy, and C. Roy, 2016: Response of the Southern Benguela upwelling system to fine-scale modifications of the coastal wind. Journal of Marine Systems, 156, 46-55, 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.12.002.



Exhaustive list of my Tier 1 publications
with in bold the works in relation with ARIANE (or the code that preceded it), in green the studies targeting the regional scales of the eastern margins and in red the studies dealing with the fate of plastic in the oceans.

Before 2000:

Mon implication dans l’enseignement concerne la formation à l’outil ARIANE, plusieurs fois par an, pour des chercheurs individuels ou des groupes, avec le programme type suivant : accueil au LOPS, démarche d’analyse, fonctionnalités de l’outil, concepts numériques, mise en application (avec Nicolas GRIMA, ingénieur de recherche au CNRS), interprétation de premiers résultats. Cette formation dispose désormais d’un ensemble de vidéos, grâce à une interaction avec le service audiovisuel de l’UBO.