Oceanographe physicien
Etablissement : UBO
Affectation de recherche : LOPS/IUEM (Laboratoire d'Oceanographie Physique et Spatiale/Institut Universitaire Europeen de la Mer)
Equipe(s) : Interactions d'Echelles Oceaniques - Ocean Scales Interactions
Page personnelle :
Refereed publications in international journals or conference proceedings
see also
1. X.J. Carton, G.R. Flierl & L.M. Polvani, 1989: The generation of tripoles from unstable axisymmetric vortex structures. Europhysics Letters, 9, 339-344.
2. X.J. Carton & J.C. Mc Williams, 1989: Barotropic and baroclinic instabilities of axisymmetric vortices in a QG model. Mesoscale/ synoptic coherent structures in geophysical turbulence, Elsevier Oceanographic Series, 50, 225-244.
3. L.M. Polvani & X.J. Carton, 1990: The tripole: A new coherent vortex structure of incompressible 2D flows. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 51, 87-102.
4. X.J. Carton, 1992: The merger of homostrophic shielded vortices. Europhysics Letters, 18, 8, 697-703.
5. C. Bertrand & X.J. Carton, 1993: Vortex merger on the beta-plane. Compte-Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, t.316, II, 1201-1206.
6. Y.G. Morel & X.J. Carton, 1994: Multipolar vortices in two- dimensional incompressible flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 267, 23-51.
7. X.J. Carton & B. Legras, 1994: The life-cycle of tripoles in two-dimensional incompressible flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 267, 53-82.
8. X.J. Carton & C. Bertrand, 1994: The influence of environmental parameters on two-dimensional vortex merger. Modeling of oceanic vortices, North Holland, 125-134.
9. X.J. Carton & J.C. Mc Williams, 1996: Nonlinear oscillatory evolution of a baroclinically unstable geostrophic vortex. Dynamics of Atmosphere and Oceans, 24, 207-214.
10. L.M. Cherubin, X.J. Carton & D.G. Dritschel, 1996: Vortex expulsion by a zonal coastal jet on a transverse canyon. European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics: Proceedings, SMAI, Paris, 1, 481-501.
11. G. Darblade, R. Baraille, A.Y. Le Roux, X.J. Carton & D. Pinchon, 1997: Conditions limites non reflechissantes pour un modele de Saint- Venant bidimensionnel barotrope linearise. Compte-Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, t.324, I, 485-490.
12. L.M. Cherubin, A. Serpette, X.J. Carton et al., 1997: Descriptive analysis of the hydrology and currents on the Iberian shelf from Gibraltar to cape Finisterre: preliminary results of the INTERAFOS and SEMANE experiments. Annales Hydrographiques, 21, 768, 5-69.
13. S. Hoang, R. Baraille, O. Talagrand, X. Carton, P. De Mey, 1997: On adaptive filtering for high dimensional systems under parameter uncertainty and its application to satellite data assimilation in oceanography. Journal of Computer Science and Cybernetics, 13, 2, DOI: 10.15625/1813-9663/13/2/7987
14. H.S. Hoang, R. Baraille, O. Talagrand, X.J. Carton & P. DeMey, 1998: Adaptive filtering. Application to satellite data assimilation in oceanography. Dynamics of Atmosphere and Oceans, 27, 257-281.
15. A. Tychensky & X.J. Carton, 1998: Hydrological and dynamical characterization of meddies in the Azores region: a paradigm for baroclinic vortex dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research, C: Oceans, 103, 11, 25,061-25,079.
16. X.J. Carton & S. Correard, 1998: Baroclinic tripolar vortices: formation and subsequent evolution. Simulation and identification of organized structures in flows, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 52, 181-190.
17. S. Correard & X.J. Carton, 1998: Vertical alignment of geostrophic vortices: on the influence of the initial distribution of potential vorticity. Simulation and identification of organized structures in flows, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 52, 191-200.
18. S.M. Correard & X.J. Carton, 1999: Formation and stability of tripolar vortices in stratified geostrophic flows. Il Nuovo Cimento, C, 22, 6, 767-777.
19. J. Paillet, B. LeCann, A. Serpette, Y. Morel & X. Carton, 1999: Real-time tracking of a northern meddy in 1997-98. Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 13, 1877-1880.
20 . G.R. Flierl, X.J. Carton & C. Messager, 1999: Vortex formation by unstable oceanic jets. European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics: Proceedings, SMAI, Paris, 7, 137-150.
21. J.M. Baey, P. Riviere & X.J. Carton, 1999: Ocean jet instability: a model comparison. European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics: Proceedings, SMAI, Paris, 7, 12-23.
22. L.M. Cherubin, X. Carton, J. Paillet, Y. Morel & A. Serpette, 2000: Instability of the Mediterranean water undercurrents southwest of Portugal: effects of baroclinicity and of topography, Oceanologica Acta, 23, 551-573.
23. X.J. Carton, 2001: Hydrodynamical modeling of oceanic vortices. Surveys in Geophysics, 22, 3, 179-263.
24. M. BenJelloul & X.J. Carton, 2001: Asymptotic models and application to vortex dynamics. Advances in mathematical modelling of atmosphere and ocean dynamics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 61, 105-110.
25. J.M. Baey & X.J. Carton, 2001: Piecewise-constant vortices in a two-layer shallow-water flow. Advances in mathematical modelling of atmosphere and ocean dynamics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 61, 87-92.
26. M. Arhan, X. Carton, A. Piola & W. Zenk, 2002: Deep lenses of circumpolar water in the Argentine basin. Journal of Geophysical Research, C: Oceans, 107, 1, 7.1-7.12.
27. J. Paillet, B. LeCann, X. Carton, Y. Morel & A. Serpette, 2002: Dynamics and evolution of a northern Meddy. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32, 55-79.
28. J.M. Baey & X. Carton, 2002: Vortex multipoles in two-layer rotating shallow-water flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 460, 151-175.
29. X. Carton, L. Cherubin, J. Paillet, Y. Morel, A. Serpette, B. Le Cann, 2002: Meddy coupling with a deep cyclone in the Gulf of Cadiz. Journal of Marine Systems, 32, (1-3), 13-42.
30. X. Carton, B. Legras & G. Maze, 2002: Two-dimensional vortex merger in an external strain field. Journal of Turbulence, 3, article 045 (IoP electronic publication).
31. F.O. Vandermeirsch, X.J. Carton, Y.G. Morel, 2003: Interaction between an eddy and a zonal jet. Part I. One and a half layer model Dynamics of Atmosphere and Oceans, 36, 247-270
32. F.O. Vandermeirsch, X.J. Carton, Y.G. Morel, 2003: Interaction between an eddy and a zonal jet. Part II. Two and a half layer model Dynamics of Atmosphere and Oceans, 36, 271-296.
33. P. Klein, B.L. Hua & X. Carton, 2003: Emergence of cyclonic structures due to the interaction between near inertial waves and mesoscale eddies. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 129, 2513-2526.
34. X. Capet & X. Carton, 2004: Nonlinear regimes of baroclinic boundary currents. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 34, 1400-1409.
35. G. Maze, X. Carton & G. Lapeyre, 2004: Dynamics of a 2D vortex doublet under external deformation. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 9, 4, 477-497.
36. M. Pavec & X. Carton, 2004: Parametric instability of a two-layer wall jet. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 9, 4, 499-508.
37. S.P. Pous, X. Carton & P. Lazure, 2004: Hydrology and circulation in the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman ; results from the GOGP99 Experiment. Part I. Strait of Hormuz. Journal of Geophysical Research, C: Oceans, 109, article C12037, doi:10.1029/2003JC002145, 1-15.
38. S.P. Pous, X. Carton & P. Lazure, 2004: Hydrology and circulation in the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman ; results from the GOGP99 Experiment. Part II. Gulf of Oman. Journal of Geophysical Research, C: Oceans, 109, article C12038, doi:10.1029/2003JC002146, 1-26.
39. M. Pavec, X. Carton & G. Swaters, 2005: Baroclinic instability of frontal geostrophic currents over a slope. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 35, 911-918.
40. G.G. Sutyrin & X. Carton, 2006: Vortex interaction with a zonal Rossby wave in a quasi-geostrophic model. Dynamics of Atmosphere and Oceans, 41, 2, 85-102.
41. L. Cherubin, X. Carton & D.G. Dritschel, 2007: Vortex dipole formation by baroclinic instability of boundary currents. J.ournal of Physical Oceanography, 37, 1661-1677.
42. G. Sutyrin, X. Perrot & X. Carton, 2008: Integrable motion of a vortex dipole in an axisymmetric flow. Physics Letters A, 372, 5452-5457.
43. X. Perrot & X. Carton, 2008: Vortex interaction in an unsteady large-scale shear/strain flow. In Hamiltonian Dynamics, Vortices and Turbulence, Moscow IUTAM conference proceedings, Springer Verlag, 373-382.
44. G.G. Sutyrin & X. Carton, 2008: Evolution of an intense baroclinic vortex in a periodic sheared flow. In Hamiltonian Dynamics, Vortices and Turbulence, Moscow IUTAM conference proceedings, Springer Verlag, 363-372.
45. X. Carton, 2009: Instability of surface quasi-geostrophic vortices. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66, 4, 1051-1062.
46. X. Perrot & X. Carton, 2009: Point-vortex interaction in an oscillatory deformation field: Hamiltonian dynamics, harmonic resonance and transition to chaos. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, B, 11, 4, 971-995.
47. J. Reinaud & X. Carton, 2009 : The stability and nonlinear evolution of quasi-geostrophic hetons. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 636, 109-135.
48. X. Perrot, J. Reinaud, X. Carton and D. Dritschel, 2010: Homostrophic vortex interaction in a coupled QG-SQG model. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 15, 1, 67-84.
49. X. Perrot & X. Carton, 2010: Barotropic vortex interaction in a non uniform flow. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 24, 95-100.
50. M. Sokolovskiy, J. Verron, X. Carton & V. Gryanik, 2010: On the instability of elliptical hetons. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 24, 117-123.
51. X. Carton, G.R. Flierl, X. Perrot, T. Meunier & M.A. Sokolovskiy, 2010: Explosive instability of geostrophic vortices. Part 1. Baroclinic instability. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 24, 125-130.
52. X. Carton, T. Meunier, G.R. Flierl, X. Perrot & M.A. Sokolovskiy, 2010: Explosive instability of geostrophic vortices. Part 2. Parametric instability. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 24, 131-135.
53. E. Quentel, X. Carton, M.A. Gutscher and R. Hobbs, 2010: Detecting and characterizing mesoscale and submesoscale of Mediterranean Water from joint seismic and hydrographic measurements in the Gulf of Cadiz. Geophysical Research Letters, 37, article L06604, doi:10.1029/2010GL042766, 5 pp.
54. C. Perruche, P. Riviere, P. Pondaven & X. Carton, 2010: Phytoplankton competition and coexistence: intrinsic ecosystem dynamics and impact of vertical mixing. Journal of Marine Systems, 81, 99-111.
55. X. Carton, N. Daniault, J. Alves, L. Cherubin and I. Ambar, 2010: Meddy dynamics and interaction with neighboring eddies southwest of Portugal : observations and modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research, C: Oceans, 115, article C06017, doi:10.1029/2009JC005646, 23 pp.
56. M.A. Sokolovskiy and X. Carton, 2010: Baroclinic multipole formation from heton interaction. Fluid Dynamics Research, 42, 4, article 045501, 31 pp.
57. T. Meunier, V. Rossi, Y. Morel and X. Carton, 2010: Effect of a coastal promontory on an upwelling current : generation and trapping of elongated filaments. Ocean Modelling, 35, 277-303.
58. D. Elhmaidi, H. Nefzi, X. Carton and T. Lili, 2010: Particle dispersion in the Western Mediterranean. The Open Oceanography Journal, 4, 137-143, doi:10.2174/1874252101004010137.
59. X. Carton, 2010: Oceanic Vortices. In Fronts, Waves and Vortices. Lecture Notes in Physics, 805, Springer-Verlag, 61-108.
60. X. Carton & X. Perrot, 2010 : Geostrophic vortex alignment in external shear or strain. Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Turbulence in the Atmosphere and Oceans, Springer Verlag, 217-228.
61. B.J. Harvey, M.H.P. Ambaum and X. Carton, 2011: Instability of shielded surface temperature vortices. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 68, 5, 964-971.
62. X. Carton, F. Poulin and M. Pavec, 2011: Linear baroclinic and parametric instabilities of boundary currents in a two-layer model. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. 105, 4-5, 453-477.
63. G.G. Sutyrin, S. Herbette and X. Carton, 2011: Deformation and splitting of baroclinic eddies encountering a tall seamount. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. 105, 4-5, 478-505.
64. M.A. Sokolovskiy, K.V. Koshel and X. Carton, 2011: Baroclinic multipole evolution in shear and strain. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 105, 4-5, 506-535.
65. C. Perruche, P. Riviere, G. Lapeyre, X. Carton and P. Pondaven, 2011: Effects of mesoscale and submesoscale dynamics and associated frontogenesis mechanism on phytoplankton competition and coexistence. Journal of Marine Research, 69, 1-31.
66. R. Duarte, X. Carton, X. Capet and L. Cherubin, 2011: Trapped instability and vortex formation by an unstable coastal current. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics. 16, 6, 577-601.
67. E. Quentel, X. Carton, M.A. Gutscher, 2011: Structure and temporal variability of Mediterranean Water from hydrological and marine seismic data south of Portimao Canyon (Gulf of Cadiz) from 1999 to 2002. International Journal of Geosciences, 2, 3, 185-194.
68. J. Alves, X. Carton and I. Ambar, 2011: Hydrological structure, circulation and water mass transport in the Gulf of Cadiz. International Journal of Geosciences, 2, 4, 432-456.
69. X. Carton, P. L’Hegaret and R. Baraille, 2012: Mesoscale variability of water masses in the Arabian Sea as revealed by ARGO floats. Ocean Science, 8, 227-248 (doi:10.5194/os-8-227-2012,
70. C. Menesguen, B.L. Hua, X. Carton, F. Klingelhofer and P. Schnurle,2012: Arms winding around a Meddy seen in seismic reflection data south of the Azores front. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L05604, doi:10.1029/2011GL050798.
71. E. Ryzhov, K.V. Koshel, X. Carton, 2012: Passive particle advection in the vicinity of two point vortices in a deformation flow. European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids, 34, 121-130.
72. H.Y. Nguyen, B.L. Hua, R. Schopp, X.Carton, 2012: Slow quasi-geostrophic unstable modes of a lens-like vortex in a continuously stratified flow. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 106, 3, 305-319, DOI:10.1080/03091929.2011.620568.
73. I. Bashmachnikov, X. Carton, 2012: Surface signature of Mediterranean Water eddies in the North-East Atlantic: effects of upper layer stratification. Ocean Science, 8, 931-943.
74. S. Pous, X. Carton, P. Lazure, 2012: A process study of the tidal circulation in the Persian Gulf. Open Journal of Marine Science, 2, 4, 131-140.
75. S. Pous, X. Carton, P. Lazure, 2013: A process study of the wind-induced circulation in the Persian Gulf. Open Journal of Marine Science, 3, 1, 1-11.
76. X. Carton, B. Le Cann, A. Serpette and J. Dubert, 2013: Interactions of surface and deep anticyclones in the Bay of Biscay. Journal of Marine Systems, 109-110, S45 - S 59.
77. T. Meunier, X. Carton and R. Duarte, 2013: Influence of a deep flow on a surface boundary current. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 107, 3, 277-303.
78. P. Lhegaret, L. Lacour, X. Carton, G. Roullet, R. Baraille, S. Correard, 2013: A seasonal dipolar eddy off Ras al Hamra (Sea of Oman). Ocean Dynamics, 63, 6, 633-659.
79. M.A. Sokolovskiy, B.N. Filyushkin, X. Carton, 2013: Dynamics of intrathermocline vortices in a gyre flow over a seamount chain. Ocean Dynamics, 63, 7, 741-760.
80. A.C. Barbosa Aguiar, A. Peliz, X. Carton, 2013: A census of meddies in a long-term high-resolution simulation. Progress in Oceanography. 116, 80-94.
81. H. Nefzi, D. Elhmaidi, X. Carton, 2014: Turbulent dispersion properties in a model of the Western Mediterranean Sea. Ocean Science, 10, 167-175.
82. G.Dulaquais, M. Boye, M.J.A. Rijkenberg, X. Carton, 2014: Physical and reductive processes govern the Cobalt distribution in the deep Western Atlantic Ocean. BioGeoSciences, 11, 1561-1580.
83. X. Perrot, X. Carton, 2014: Instability of a two-step Rankine vortex in a reduced gravity QG model. Fluid Dynamics Research, 46, paper 031417.
84. X. Carton, M.A. Sokolovskiy, B.L. Hua, C. Menesguen, A. Aguiar, T. Meunier, 2014: Stability of cyclones and anticyclones in a multi-layer quasi-geostrophic model, with application to the Mediterranean Water eddies. Fluid Dynamics Research, 46, paper 061401.
85. P. L’Hegaret, X. Carton, I. Ambar, C.Menesguen, B.L. Hua, L. Cherubin, A. Aguiar, B. Le Cann, N. Daniault, N. Serra, 2014: Evidence of Mediterranean Water dipole collision in the Gulf of Cadiz. Journal of Geophysical Research, C: Oceans, 119, 8, 5337-5359.
86. C. Vic, G. Roullet, X. Carton, X. Capet, 2014: Mesoscale dynamics in the Arabian Sea and a focus on the Great Whirl lifecycle: a numerical investigation using ROMS. Journal of Geophysical Research, C: Oceans, 119, 9, 6422-6443.
87. A. Peliz, D. Boutov, A. Barbosa Aguiar, X. Carton, 2014: The Gulf of Cadiz Gap wind anticyclones. Continental Shelf Research, 91, 12, 171-191.
88. I. Bashmachnikov, X. Carton, T.V. Belonenko, 2014: Characteristics of surface signature of Mediterranean water eddies. Journal of Geophysical Research, C: Oceans, 119, 10, 7245-7266
89. G. Dulaquais, M. Boye, R. Middag, S. Owens, V. Puigcorbe, K. Buesseler, P. Masque, H. de Baar, X. Carton, 2014: How to constrain the biogeochemical cycle of cobalt in the surface Western Atlantic Ocean? Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28, 1387-1412.
90. S. Pous, P. Lazure, X. Carton, 2015: A model of the general circulation in the Persian Gulf and in the Straits of Hormuz: intraseasonal to interannual variability. Continenal Shelf Research, 94, 55-70
91. A.C. Barbosa Aguiar, A. Peliz, F. Neves, I. Bashmachnikov, X. Carton, 2015: Mediterranean outflow transports and entrainment estimates from observations and high-resolution modelling. Progress in Oceanography, 131, 33-45
92. I. Bashmachnikov, F. Neves, A. Nascimento, J. Medeiros, J. Dias, I. Ambar, X. Carton, 2015: Detailed temperature-salinity distribution in the Northeast Atlantic from ship and Argo casts. Ocean Science, 11, 215-236.
93. B. Shteinbuch-Fridman, V. Makarov, X. Carton, Z. Kizner, 2015: Two-layer geostrophic tripoles comprised by patches of uniform potential vorticity. Physics of Fluids, 27, 036602.
94. J.N. Reinaud, X. Carton, 2015: Head on interaction between two continuously stratified quasi geostrophic hetons. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 779, 144-180.
95. I. Bashmachnikov, T. Calheiros, F. Neves, X. Carton, 2015: Properties and pathways of Mediterranean Water eddies in the Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography, 137, A, 149-172.
96. A.C.Barbosa Aguiar, C. Menesguen, S. Le Gentil, R. Schopp, X. Carton, 2015: Cyclones and anticyclones in seismic imaging. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45, 9, 2436-2443.
97. P. L'Hegaret, R. Duarte, X. Carton, C. Vic, D. Ciani, R. Baraille and S. Correard, 2015: Seasonal mesoscale variability in the Arabian Sea from HYCOM model and observations: impact on the Persian Gulf Water path. Ocean Science, 11, 667-693.
98. J.N. Reinaud, X. Carton, 2015: Existence, stability and formation of baroclinic tripoles in quasi-geostrophic flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 785, 1-30.
99. C. Vic, G. Roullet, X. Capet, X. Carton, M.J. Molemaker and J. Gula, 2015: Eddy-topography interactions and the fate of the Persian Gulf Outflow. Journal of Geophysical Research, C: Oceans, 120, 6700-6717.
100. D. Ciani, X. Carton, I. Bashmachnikov, B. Chapron, 2015: Influence of deep vortices on the ocean surface. Journal of Nonlinearity, Discontinuity and Complexity, 4, 3, 281-312.
101. X. Carton, D. Ciani, J. Verron, J. Reinaud and M. Sokolovskiy, 2016: Vortex merger in surface quasi-geostrophy. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 110, 1, 1-22.
102. D. Ciani, X. Carton and J. Verron, 2016: The merger of deep, isolated vortices. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 110, 1, 23-49.
103. J.N. Reinaud, X. Carton, 2016: The interaction between two horizontally offset antisymmetric quasi-geostrophic hetons. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 794, 409-443.
104. M.A. Sokolovskiy, X.J. Carton, B.N. Filyushkin, O.I. Yakovenko, 2016: Interaction of a surface jet and intrathermocline vortices. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 110, 3, 201-223.
105. R. Duarte, X. Carton, F. J. Poulin, 2016: The dynamics of a meandering jet in the lee of a cape. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 21, 3, 274-290.
106. P. L’Hegaret, X. Carton, S. Louazel, G.Boutin, 2016: A submesoscale lens of Persian Gulf Water off the Omani coast in Spring 2011. Ocean Science, 12, 687-701.
107. Y. Moussa Omar, L. Memery, X. Carton, 2016: Statistical analysis of the patterns and trends of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a concentration and of their relationship in the Gulf of Tadjoura (Djibouti). Journal of Marine Science, Research and Development, 6:186.
108. Y. Moussa Omar, L. Memery, X. Carton, A. Daher, E. Duvielbourg, 2016 : Effects of monsoon winds and topographical features on the vertical thermohaline and biogeochemical structure in the Gulf of Tadjourah (Djibouti). Open Journal of Marine Science, 6, 3, 440-455
109. C Assassi, Y. Morel, F Vandermeirsch, A.Chaigneau, C. Pegliasco, R. Morrow, F. Colas, S. Fleury, X. Carton, P. Klein, R. Cambra, 2016: An index to distinguish surface and subsurface intensified vortices from surface observations. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 46, 8, 2529-2552.
110. J.N. Reinaud, D.G. Dritschel, X. Carton, 2016: Interaction between a surface quasi-géostrophic buoyancy anomaly strip and an internal vortex. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 110, 6, 461-490 .
111. J.N. Reinaud, D.G. Dritschel, X. Carton, 2017: Interaction between a quasi-geostrophic buoyancy filament and a heton. Fluids, 2, 3, 37.
112. J.N. Reinaud, M.A. Sokolovskiy, X. Carton, 2017: Geostrophic tripolar vortices in a two-layer fluid: linear stability and nonlinear evolution of equilibria. Physics of Fluids, 29, 036601.
113. C. Vic, X. Capet, G. Roullet, X. Carton, 2017: Dynamics of a seasonal western boundary upwelling off Oman. Ocean Dynamics, 67, 5, 585-595.
114. X. Carton, M. Morvan, J. Reinaud, M.A. Sokolovskiy, P. L’Hegaret, C. Vic, 2017: Vortex merger near a topographic slope in a homogeneous rotating fluid. Reg. Chaot. Dyn., 22, 5, 455-478.
115. J.N. Reinaud, D.G. Dritschel, X. Carton, 2017: Interaction between a surface quasi-geostrophic buoyancy anomaly jet and internal vortices. Phys. Fluids, 29, (8), 086603, doi:10.1063/1.4999474
116. I.L. Bachmashnikov, M.A. Sokolovskiy, T.V. Belonenko, D.L. Volkov, P.E. Isachsen, X. Carton, 2017: On the vertical structure and stability of the Lofoten vortex in the Norwegian Sea. Deep Sea Res., Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 128, 10, 1-27.
117. C. De Marez, X. Carton, M. Morvan, J. Reinaud, 2017: The interaction of two surface vortices near a topographic slope in a stratified ocean. Fluids, 2, 57; doi:10.3390/fluids2040057
118. D. Ciani, X. Carton, A.C. Barbosa Aguiar, A. Peliz, I. Bashmachnikov, F. Ienna, B. Chapron, R. Santolieri, 2017: Surface Signature of Mediterranean water eddies in a long-term high-resolution numerical model. Deep Sea Res., Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 130, 12-29.
119. E.A. Ryzhov, K.V. Koshel, M.A. Sokolovskiy, X. Carton, 2018: Interaction of an along-shore propagating vortex with a vortex enclosed in a circular bay. Phys. Fluids, 30, 1, DOI:10.1063/1.5009117
paper highlighted by Louisa Cockbill, 2018: Model using curved shore boundaries show shape’s influence on vortex interactions, AIP Scilight. 050003-1;
120. N. Filatoff, X. Carton, 2018: A conservative model for nonlinear dynamics in a stratified, rotating fluid. Open J. Mar. Sci., 8, 2, 253-275.
121. J.N. Reinaud, M.A. Sokolovskiy, X. Carton, 2018: Hetonic quartets in a two-layer quasi-geostrophic flow: V-States and stability. Phys. Fluids, 30, 056602; doi: 10.1063/1.5027181
122. T.A. Capuano, S. Speich, X. Carton, B. Blanke, 2018: Mesoscale and submesoscale processes in the Southeast Atlantic and their impact on the regional thermohaline structure. J. Geophys. Res., 123, 3, 1937-1961.
123. T.A. Capuano, S. Speich, X. Carton, R. Laxenaire, 2018: Indo-Atlantic exchange, mesoscale dynamics and Antarctic Intermediate Water. J. Geophys. Res., 123, 5, 3286-3306.
124. M.A. Sokolovskiy, J. Verron, X.J. Carton, 2018: The formation of new quasi-stationary vortex patterns from the interaction of two identical vortices in a rotating fluid. Ocean Dyn., 68, 6, 723-733.
125. T. Meunier, M. Tenreiro, E. Palls-Sanz, P. Damien, J. Ochoa, E. Portela, A. Ruz-Angulo, S. Cusi, X. Carton, 2018: Intrathermocline Eddies Embedded within
a Large Anticyclonic Vortex Ring. Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 15, 7624-7633.
126. T. Meunier, C. Menesguen, X. Carton, S. Le Gentil, R. Schopp, 2018: Optimal perturbations of a vortex lens. Fluids, 3, 63, 1-20;
127. K. Koshel, E. Ryzhov, X. Carton, 2019: Vortex interactions subject to deformation flows : a review. Fluids, 4 (1), 14
128. M. Morvan, X. Carton, J. Gula, P. L’Hegaret, C. Vic, M. Sokolovskiy, K. Koshel, 2019: The life cycle of submesoscale eddies generated by topographic interactions. Ocean Sci., 15, 1531-1543.
129. J.N. Reinaud, X. Carton, 2020: The alignment of two three-dimensional quasi-geostrophic vortices. (accepted August 2019) Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 114, 4-5, 524-560
130. C. De Marez, P. L'Hegaret, M. Morvan, X. Carton, 2019: On the 3D structure of eddies in the Arabian Sea. Deep Sea Res. I, 150, 103057.
131. M. Morvan,X. Carton, S. Corréard and R. Baraille, 2020: Submesoscale dynamics in the Gulf of Aden and the Gulf of Oman. Fluids, 5(3), 146
132. M. Morvan, P. L'Hegaret, C. de Marez, X. Carton, S. Correard, R. Baraille, 2020: Life cycle of mesoscale eddies in the Gulf of Aden. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn, 114, 4-5, 631-649.
133. M. Morvan, C. de Marez, P. L’Hegaret, X. Carton, 2020: On the dynamics of an idealized bottom density current overflowing in a semi-enclosed basin: mesoscale and submesoscale eddy generation. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 114, 4-5, 607-630.
134. C. De Marez, M. Morvan, T. Meunier, P. L'Hegaret, X. Carton, 2020: Study of the stability of a large realistic cyclonic eddy. Ocean Modelling, 146, 101540.
135. C. de Marez, X. Carton, S. Corréard, P. L'Hegaret, M. Morvan, 2020: Observation of a deep submesoscale cyclonic vortex in the Arabian Sea. Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, 13, 16 July 2020, e2020GL087881,
136. M. Morvan, X. Carton, 2020: Submesoscale frontal instabilitiesin the Omani Coastal Current. Mathematics, 8, (4), 562;
137. C. de Marez, M, Morvan, P. L’Hegaret, T. Meunier, X. Carton, 2020: Vortex-wall interaction on the beta-plane and the generation of deep submesoscale cyclones by internal Kelvin Waves-current interactions. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 114, 4-5, 588-606.
138. T. Meunier, J. Sheinbaum, E. Pallas Sanz, J. Ochoa, X. Carton and C. De Marez, 2020: Heat content and decay of warm-core rings: the example of the Gulf of Mexico. Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, 3, 16 February 2020,
139. C. de Marez, M, Morvan, P. L'Hegaret, B. Le Vu, A. Stegner, T. Meunier, X. Carton, 2020: Oceanic vortex mergers are not isolated but influenced by the beta-effect and surrounding eddies. Sci. Rep., 10, Article number: 2897.
140. A. Cassianides, C. Maes, E. Martinez, T. Gorgues, X. Carton, 2020: Monitoring the influence of the Marquesas Islands and mesoscale ocean dynamics on phytoplanktonic plumes using multi-satellite data. Remote Sensing, 12, (16), 2520;
141. M.A. Sokolovskiy, B.N. Filyushkin, X. Carton, 2020: Mathematical modeling of vortex interaction using a three-layer quasi-geostrophic model. Part I. Point Vortex approach. Mathematics, 8, (8), 1228;
142. M.A. Sokolovskiy, B.N. Filyushkin, X. Carton, 2020: Mathematical modeling of vortex interaction using a three-layer quasi-geostrophic model. Part II. Finite-core vortex approach and oceanographic application. Mathematics, 8, (8), 1267;
143. A. Ayouche, G. Charria, N. Ayoub, X. Carton, 2020: Instabilities and vertical mixing in river plumes: application to the Bay of Biscay. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 114, 4-5, 650-689.
144. X. Carton, F.C. Kouogang Tchuenkam, A. Vic, 2021: The interaction of two vortices near a boundary in rotating stratified incompressible flows. Ch.5, In Recent Trends in Chaotic, Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics. In Honor of Prof. Miguel A.F. Sanjun on His 60th Birthday, World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series B:, 19, World Scientific Press, 99-131.
145. A. Ayouche, C. De Marez, M. Morvan, P. L’Hegaret, X. Carton, B. Le Vu, A. Stegner, 2021: Structure and dynamics of the Ras al Hadd dipole in the Arabian Sea. Oceans, 2, 1, 105-125.
146. A. L’Her, M. Reinert, S. Prants, X. Carton, M. Morvan, 2021: Eddy formation in the bays of Kamchatka and fluxes to the open ocean. Ocean Dyn., 71, 601-612.
147. J.N. Reinaud, X. Carton, 2021; The merger of two three-dimensional quasi-geostrophic baroclinic tripolar eddies. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 115, 5-6, 523-550.
148. C. Buckingham, J. Gula, X. Carton, 2021: The role of curvature in modifying frontal instabilities. Part I: Review of theory and presentation of a nondimensional instability criterion. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 51, 2, 299-315.
149. C. Buckingham, J. Gula, X. Carton, 2021: The role of curvature in modifying frontal instabilities. Part II: Application of the criterion to curved density fronts at low Richardson number. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 51, 2, 317-341.
150. G. Reverdin et al., 2021: Formation and evolution of a freshwater plume in the northwestern tropical Atlantic in February 2020. J. Geophys. Res., 126, 4, e2020JC016981.
151. P. L’Hegaret, C. De Marez, M. Morvan, T. Meunier, X. Carton, 2021: Spreading and vertical structure of the Persian Gulf and Red Sea outflows in the northwestern Indian Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 126, 4, e2019JC015983.
152. A. Ayouche, G. Charria, N. Ayoub, X. Carton, S. Theeten, 2021: Non-linear processes in the Gironde river plume (North-East Atlantic): Instabilities and mixing. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 810. DOI=10.3389/fmars.2021.701773
153. Mohammad Ali Hamzeh, Maziar Khosravi, Xavier Carton, Dariush Yarahmadi, Ezatollah Safarkhani, 2021: Paleoceanography of the Strait of Hormoz and its link to the paleoclimate changes since the mid-Holocene. Continental Shelf Research, 226, 104507, 1-15.
154. B. Stevens et al (267 authors), 2021: EUREC4A. Earth System Science Data, 13, 40674119.
155. L.M. Cherubin, N.Le Paih, X. Carton, 2021: Submesoscale instability in the Straits of Florida. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 51, 8, 2599-2615. DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0283.1
155. C. De Marez, X. Carton, 2021: Interaction of an upwelling front with External Vortices: Impact on Cross-shore Particle Exchange. Regul. Chaot. Dyn, 26, 543-561, special issue: 200th anniversary of H von Helmholtz.
156. A. Vic, X. Carton, J. Gula, 2021: The interaction of two unsteady point vortex-sources in a deformation field in 2D incompressible flows. Reg. Chaotic Dyn., 26, 618-646, special issue: 200th anniversary of H von Helmholtz.
157. Seyed Hossein Hassantabar Bozroudi, Daniele Ciani, Mahdi Mohammad Mahdizadeh, Mohammad Akbarinasab, Ana Claudia Barbosa Aguiar, Alvaro Peliz, Bertrand Chapron, Ronan Fablet and Xavier Carton, 2021: Effect of Subsurface Mediterranean Water Eddies on Sound Propagation Using ROMS Output and the Bellhop Model. Water, 13, (24), 3617.
158. A. Ayouche, X. Carton, G. Charria, 2022: Vertical shear processes in river plumes: Instabilities and turbulent mixing. Symmetry, 14(2), 217, 1-29
159. Y. Bennani, A. Ayouche and X. Carton, 2022: 3D structure of the Ras al Hadd oceanic dipole. Oceans, 3, 3, 268-288.
160. A. Vic, X. Carton, J. Gula, 2022: Eady baroclinic instability of a circular vortex. Symmetry, 14, 7, 1438, 1-18.
161. Z. Caspar-Cohen, A. Ponte, N. Lahaye, X. Carton, X. Yu, S. Le Gentil, 2022: Characterization of internal tide non-stationarity : Eulerian versus Lagrangian perspectives. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 52, 6, 1245-1259.
162. E. Oulhen, J. Reinaud, X. Carton, 2022: Formation of small scale vortices in the core of a large merged vortex. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 116, 5-6,411-432 doi: 10.1080/03091929.2022.2074983
163. M. Dessert, M. Honnorat, J.M. Le Caillec, C. Messager, X. Carton, 2022: Retrieving pycnocline depth from SAR signature of internal the Alboran Sea. IEEE journal of selected topics in applied Earth observations and remote sensing, 5, 9048-9061.
164. C. Subirade, P. L’Hegaret, S. Speich, X. Carton, R. Laxenaire, J. Karstensen, 2023: Combining an eddy detection algorithm with in-situ measurements to study North Brazil Current rings. Remote Sensing, 15, 1897.
165. J. Reinaud, X. Carton, 2023: Quasi-geostrophic vortex vertical alignment in near collapse interactions. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 117, 5, 292-314.
166. .B. Roustan, L. Bordois, F. Dumas, X. Carton, F. Auclair, 2023: In situ observations of the small-scale dynamics at Camarinal Sill - Straits of Gibraltar. J. Geophys. Res., 128, 10.
167. Y. Barabinot, S. Speich, X. Carton, 2024: Defining Mesoscale Eddies Boundaries from In-situ Data and a Theoretical Framework. To appear in J. Geophys.Res..
168. J.B. Roustan, L. Bordois, J. Garcia-Lafuente, F. Dumas, F. Auclair, X. Carton, 2024: Evidence of reflected internal solitary waves in the Strait of Gibraltar. To appear in J. Geophys. Res.
169. A. Barboni, A. Stegner, F. Dumas, X. Carton, 2024: High frequency atmospheric forcing and fine scale vertical resolution are jey to accurately reproduce mesoscale eddy evolution. Revised version sent to J. Advances Model. Earth Syst.
170. Y. Barabinot, S. Speich, X. Carton, 2024: On the 3D structure of Anticyclonic Eddies from In situ Data. Under review in J. Geophys. Res..
171. J.B. Roustan, P. Bouruet-Aubertot, L. Bordois, Y. Cuypers, X. Carton, F. Dumas, F. Auclair, 2024: Turbulence levels over Camarinal Sill and its impact on water mixing - Strait of Gibraltar. Under review in J. Geophys. Res.
172. X. Carton, J. Reinaud, A. Vic and J. Gula, 2024: The nonlinear evolution of two surface quasi-geostrophic vortices. Under review in Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn.
173. A. Chouksey, J. Gula, X. Carton, 2024: Long-lived Deep Coherent Vortices in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Under review in J. Geophys. Res.
174. D.C. Napolitano, X. Carton, J. Gula, 2024: Vertical coupling of NBC rings. Under review in J. Geophys. Res.
175. A. Avenas , A. Mouche, J. Knaff, X. Carton, B. Chapron, 2024: On the steadiness of tropical cyclones integrated kinetic energy. Submitted to Geophys. Res. Lett.