Maître de Conférences, HC, HDR
Rhéologie des nanocomposites, Rhéologie des mélanges de polymères

Etablissement : Université Bretagne Occidentale
Affectation de recherche : LIMATB (Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Matériaux de Bretagne)

Equipe(s) : E2PIC - Equipe des polymères, propriétés aux interfaces et composites
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1. P. Médéric, M. Zagzoule, J. Mauss, R. Gaudu : “Modélisation unidimensionnelle des écoulements instationnaires en conduites souples : application au cathétérisme cardiaque”. Innovation et Technologie en Biologie et Médecine, note technique, 12, N°2, p.233-243, 1991.

2. J.-R. Yama, P. Médéric, M. Zagzoule : “Etude comparative des différentes approximations de la contrainte de cisaillement à la paroi”. Archives of Physiology and Biochemestry, 103, N°3, p.164, 1995.

3. J.-R. Yama, P. Médéric, M. Zagzoule : “La contrainte de cisaillement à la paroi dans le système cardio-vasculaire : validité de différentes approches”. Innovation et Technologie en Biologie et Médecine, 17, N°2, p.117-122, 1996.

4. M. Moan, J. Huitric, P. Médéric, J. Jarrin : “Influence of composition and morphology on rheological properties of Polyethylene/Polyamide blends”. Polymer, 39, N°20, p.4849-4856, 1998.

5. M. Moan, J. Huitric, P. Médéric, J. Jarrin : “Rheological properties and reactive compatibilization of immiscible polymer blends”. Journal of Rheology, 44, N°6, p.1227-1245, 2000.

6. P. Médéric, M. Moan, M.-H. Klopffer, Y. Saint-Gérard : “Talc filled thermoplastic composites : melt rheological properties”. Applied Rheology, 13, N°6, p.297-304, 2003.

7. P. Médéric, T. Razafinimaro, T. Aubry : “Rheological and structural investigation of layered silicate nanocomposites based on polyamide or polyethylene : influence of processing conditions and volume fraction effects”. Macromolecular Symposia, 221, N°1, p.75-84, 2005.

8. T. Aubry, T. Razafinimaro, P. Médéric : “Rheological investigation of the melt state elastic and yield properties of a polyamide-12 layered silicate nanocomposite”. Journal of Rheology, Vol.49, N°2, p.425-440, 2005. Publication sélectionnée et publiée dans Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, 11, N°10, organic-inorganic hybrid nanostructures, 14 mars 2005.

9. A. Beigbeder, S. Bruzaud, P. Médéric, T. Aubry, Y. Grohens : “Characterization of polysiloxane-based nanocomposites : comparative rheological study”. Polymeric Materials : Science and Engineering, 92, p.387, 2005.

10. A. Beigbeder, S. Bruzaud, P. Médéric, T. Aubry, Y. Grohens : “Rheological characterization of polydimethylsiloxane/HtiNbO5 nanocomposites prepared by different routes”. Polymer, 46, p.12279-12286, 2005.

11. P. Médéric, T. Razafinimaro, T. Aubry : “Influence of melt-blending conditions on interfacial, structural and rheological properties of a polyamide-12 layered silicate nanocomposite”. Polymer Engineering & Science, 46, N°8, p.986-994, 2006.

12. B. Alexandre, S. Marais, D. Langevin, P. Médéric, T. Aubry : “Nanocomposite-based polyamide 12/montmorillonite : relationships between structures and transport properties”. Desalination, 199, N°1-3, p.164-166, 2006.

13. N. Aït-Hocine, P. Médéric, T. Aubry : “Mechanical properties of polyamide-12 layered silicate nanocomposites and their relations with structure”, Polymer Testing, 27, p.330-339, 2008.

14. B. Alexandre, S. Marais, D. Langevin, P. Médéric, T. Aubry, H. Couderc, Q. T. Nguyen, A. Saiter : “Water barrier properties of polyamide 12/montmorillonite nanocomposites : structures and volume fraction effects”, Journal of Membrane Science, 328, N°1-2, p.186-204, 2009.

15. P. Médéric, T. Aubry, T. Razafinimaro : “Structural and rheological properties as a function of mixing energy for polymer/layered silicate nanocomposites”, International Polymer Processing, 3, p. 261-266, 2009.

16. J. Huitric, J. Ville, P. Médéric, M. Moan, T. Aubry : “Rheological, morphological and structural properties of PE/PA/nanoclay ternary blends : effect of clay fraction”, Journal of Rheology, 53, N°5, p1101-1119, 2009. Publication sélectionnée et publiée dans Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, organic-inorganic hybrid nanostructures, 21 septembre 2009.

17. L. Zaidi, S. Bruzaud, A. Bourmaud, P. Médéric, M. Kaci, Y. Grohens : “Relationship between structure and rheological, mechanical and thermal properties of polylactide/cloisite 30B nanocomposites”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 116, p.1357-1365, 2010.

18. B. Alexandre, L. Colasse, D. Langevin, P. Médéric, T. Aubry, C. Chappey, S. Marais : “Transport mechanisms of small molecules through polyamide 12/montmorillonite nanocomposites”, Journal of Physical Chemistry, part B, 114, N°27, p.8827-8837, 2010.

19. P. Médéric, J. Ville, J. Huitric, M. Moan, T. Aubry : “Effect of processing procedures and conditions on structural, morphological and rheological properties of PE/PA/nanoclay blends”, Polymer Engineering and Science, 51, p.969-978, 2011.

20. P. Médéric, J. Ville, J. Huitric, M. Moan, T. Aubry : “Polyethylene/Polyamide/nanoclay blends: effects of process on morphology and rheological properties”, Society of plastics Engineers, Research on line, 10.1002/spepro.003375, 11 février 2011.

21. M. Kaci, L. Zaidi, S. Bruzaud, A. Bourmaud, P. Médéric, Y. Grohens : “Influence of  loading rates on morphology and mechanical properties of PLA/clay nanocomposites”, International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, 7, N°5, p.390-399; 2012.

22. J. Ville, P. Médéric, J. Huitric, T. Aubry : “Structural and rheological investigation of interphase in polyethylene/polyamide/nanoclay ternary blends”, Polymer, 53, p.1733-1740, 2012.

23. Julien Ville, Isabelle Labaume, Pascal Médéric, Jacques Huitric, Thierry Aubry : "Structure et propriétés viscoélastiques de l’interphase dans des mélanges PE/PA/nanoargile". Rhéologie, 22, p. 27-33, 2012.

24. P. Médéric, L. Le Pluart, T. Aubry, P.-J. Madec : “Structure and rheology of polyethylene/imidazolium based montmorillonite nanocomposites”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 127, N°2, p. 879-887, 2013.

25. I. Labaume, P. Médéric, J. Huitric, T. Aubry : “Comparative study of interphase viscoelastic properties in polyethylene/polyamide blends compatibilized with clay nanoparticles or with a graft copolymer”, Journal of Rheology, 57, p.377-392, 2013.

26. I. Labaume, J. Huitric, P. Médéric, T. Aubry : "Structural and rheological properties of different polyamide/polyethylene blends filled with clay nanoparticles: a comparative study", Polymer, 54, p. 3671-3679, 2013.

27. H. Hassan, N. Aït-Hocine, P. Médéric, M.-P. Deffarges, N. Poirot : “Thermal and Mechanical properties of PA12/C30B nanocomposites in relationship with nanostructure”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132, N°18, DOI:10.1002/app41938, 2015.

28. Q. Beuguel, J. Ville, J. Crépin-Leblond, P. Médéric, T. Aubry : “Comparative study of the structural and rheological properties of PA6 and PA12 based synthetic talc nanocomposites”, Polymer, 62, p.109-117, 2015.

29. Q. Beuguel, J. Ville, J. Crépin-Leblond, P. Médéric, T. Aubry : “Elaboration and relationships between structure and rheological properties of microtalc or nanotalc/polyamide composites”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132, N°31, DOI:10.1002/app42299, 2015.

30. Q. Beuguel, J. Ville, J. Crépin-Leblond, P. Médéric, J. Huitric, T. Aubry : "Etude des relations structure-rhéologie de composites polyamide/talc synthétique". Rhéologie, 27, p. 12-23, 2015.

Congrès d'audience internationale 

1. J. Huitric, P. Médéric, M. Moan, J. Jarrin : “Influence of composition and compatibilization on rheological properties of polyethylene/polyamide blends”. International symposium on polymer blends, alloys and filled systems, Polyblends’97/SPE RETEC, p.674-683, Montréal, Canada, 1997.

2. J. Huitric, P. Médéric, M. Moan, J. Jarrin : “Propriétés rhéologiques et compatibilisation réactive de mélanges de polymères”. 33ème colloque franco-ibérique du Groupe Français de Rhéologie, p.242-248, Biarritz, France, 1998.

3. J. Huitric, P. Médéric, M. Moan, J. Jarrin : “Influence de la modification interfaciale sur la rhéologie de mélanges réactifs de polymères”. Colloque de la Société Québecoise des Polymères et du Groupe Français des Polymères, CO10, Québec, Canada, 1999.

4. J. Huitric, P. Médéric, M. Moan, J. Jarrin : “Effect of reactive compatibilization on rheological and mechanical properties of polymer blends”. International symposium on polymer blends and alloys, Polyblends’99, p.209-216, Boucherville, Canada, 1999.

5. J. Huitric, P. Médéric, M. Moan, J. Jarrin : “Influence of reactive compatibilization on rheological and morphological properties of polymer blends in steady shear flow”. Polymer Processing Society, PPS-17, p.127, Montreal, Canada, 2001.

6. P. Médéric, M. Moan, M.-H. Klopffer, Y. Saint-Gérard : “Talc filled thermoplastic composites : influence of particle size, particle concentration and particle surface treatment on melt rheological properties”. Eurofillers’01 conference, fillers for the new millenium, C18, p.118-119, Lodz , Pologne, 2001.

7. R. Waché, M.-H. Klopffer, S. Gonzalez, P. Médéric, M. Moan : “Meleated polyethylene nanocomposites : influence of clay content on barrier, mechanical and melt rheological properties”. Eurofillers’03 conference, A18, p.101-104, Alicante, Espagne, 2003.

8. P. Médéric, T. Razafinimaro, T. Aubry : “Rheological and structural investigation of polymer/clay nanocomposites : influence of processing conditions and volume fraction effects”. Eurofillers’03 conference, B19, p.315-319, Alicante, Espagne, 2003.

9. A. Beigbeder, S. Bruzaud, T. Aubry, P. Médéric, Y. Grohens : “Rheological comparative study between polysiloxane-g-TiNbO5 nanocomposites prepared through several routes”. 7th Annual UNESCO/IUPAC conference, p.3, Stellenbosh, Afrique du Sud, 2004.

10. P. Médéric, T. Razafinimaro, T. Aubry : “Influence of melt-blending conditions on structural and rheological properties of C30B/PA12 nanocomposites in the dilute and concentrated regimes”. Eurofillers’05, p167, Bruges, Belgique, 2005.

11. P. Médéric, N. Aït-Hocine, T. Chapalain, T. Aubry : “Mechanical properties of PA12/C30B nanocomposites : from melt state to solid state”. Eurofillers’05, p168, Bruges, Belgique, 2005.

12. A. Beigbeder, S. Bruzaud, P. Médéric, T. Aubry, Y. Grohens : “Characterization of polysiloxane-based nanocomposites : comparative rheological study”. 229th ACS National meeting, PMSE-258, San Diego, Californie, USA, 2005.

13. P. Médéric, T. Razafinimaro, T. Aubry : “Influence of melt-blending conditions on the particle/matrix interface and structure of C30B/PA12 nanocomposites”. Third international symposium on polymer nanocomposites science and technology, p.65, CD-7.05, Boucherville, Québec, Canada, 2005.

14. B. Alexandre, S. Marais, D. Langevin, P. Médéric, T. Aubry : “Nanocomposite-based polyamide 12/montmorillonite : relationships between structures and transport properties”. Euromembrane 2006, Giardini Naxos, Sicile, Italie, 2006.

15. B. Alexandre, S. Marais, E. Beucher, D. Langevin, P. Médéric, T. Aubry :  “Relations between structure and transport properties in films of PA12/Cloisite C30B nanocomposites”. 16th International Microscopy Congress, Sapporo, Japon, 2006.

16. B. Alexandre, S. Marais, D. Langevin, P. Médéric, T. Aubry, H. Couderc : “Diffusion of water in polyamide 12/montmorillonite nanocomposites”. POLYCHAR-15, 15th World Forum on Advanced Materials, p.67, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil, 2007.

17. P. Médéric, T. Aubry, T. Razafinimaro : “Nanocomposites prepared by melt intercalation : focus on a relevant processing parameter”. Eurofillers07, CO Session A, p.22, Zalakaros, Hongrie, 2007.

18. J. Ville, J. Huitric, P. Médéric, M. Moan, T. Aubry : “Relationships between structural, morphological and rheological properties of Polyethylene/Polyamide/clay ternary blends : effect of clay fraction”, 5th International Conference on Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites, Paris, France, 2009.

19. P. Médéric, J. Ville, J. Huitric, M. Moan, T. Aubry : “Elaboration of PE/PA/clay ternary blends : rheology – morphology – structure relationships”, Eurofillers09, P12 session 2, p.66, Alessandria, Italie, 2009.

20. J. Ville, P. Médéric, J. Huitric, T. Aubry : “Influence of mixing procedures and conditions on the structure, morphology and rheology of polyethylene/polyamide/nanoclay blends”, Europa/Africa regional meeting of polymer processing society, Larnaca, Chypre, 2009.

21. M. Kaci, L. Zaidi, S. Bruzaud, A. Bourmaud, P. Médéric, Y. Grohens : “Influence of loading rates on morphology and mechanical properties of PLA/clay nanocomposites”. 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, ICAMEM2010-03, Hammamet, Tunisie, 2010.

22. P. Médéric, I. Labaume, J. Huitric, T. Aubry : “PE/PA/clay ternary blends: characterization and viscoelastic properties of the interphase”. Eurofillers11, CO, p.93, Dresde, Allemagne, 2011.

23. Julien Ville, Isabelle Labaume, Pascal Médéric, Jacques Huitric, Thierry Aubry : “Immiscible polymer blends compatibilized by graft copolymers or nanoparticles: a comparative study of the interphase”, Oral Presentation at the XVIth International Congress on Rheology, Lisbonne, Portugal, 2012.

24. Isabelle Labaume, Julien Ville, Jacques Huitric, Pascal Médéric, Thierry Aubry : “Role played by polymer phases on the interphase structure and properties of ternary polyethylene/polyamide/clay blends”, Poster at the XVIth International Congress on Rheology, Lisbonne, Portugal, 2012.

25. H. Hassan, N. Aït Hocine, P. Médéric, M.P. Deffarges : “Solid-state linear viscoelastic properties of a nanocomposite C30B/PA12 and their relations with nanostructure”, Oral presentation at the International Conference of Nanosciences and Technology, nanomaterials, Part II, NST-10-Or-3, Paris, France, 2013.

26. Q. Beuguel, J. Ville, J. Crépin-Leblond, P. Médéric, T. Aubry : “Structural and rheological properties of synthetic talc/polyamide composites : effect of polyamide matrix”, Oral presentation at the 8th International Conference on Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites, Dresde, Allemagne, 2014.

27. Q. Beuguel, J. Ville, J. Crépin-Leblond, P. Médéric, T. Aubry : “Structural and rheological properties of immiscible polymer blends filled with synthetic talc or organically modified montmorillonite particles : a comparative study”, 10th European Rheology Conference, PO95, p.134, Nantes, France, 2015.

28. Q. Beuguel, J. Ville, J. Crépin-Leblond, P. Médéric, T. Aubry : “Structural and rheological properties of immiscible polymer blends filled with synthetic talc nanoparticles”, Oral presentation at the 6th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and 1st international Conference on Graphene Technology, ANM 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, 2015.