Site Model

laboratoire d'optique
et de magnétisme

Magnetism Team

Ongoing theses

Matthieu LIPARO : "Contrôle par des stimulis optiques, ELectriques et mécaniques de nanomaTérIaux multiferoiQUes pour des applications Enegie-santé (CELTIQUE)".thesis under the direction of David Spenato, David Dekadjevi et de Jean-philippe Jay.  16-09-2021

Theses defended

Walaa Jahjah: "MultIferroic NanOstructures INtrinsic and extrinsic: towards an electrical control of magnetic properties (NOMINATED)", started on November 8, 2016, UBO thesis under the direction of David Spenato and Yann Le grand. more detail.

Jérôme Richy: "Study of the properties of exchange coupling in nano-structures of the ferromagnetic/multiferroic type", defended on 29 November 2016, UBO thesis under the supervision of David Spenato and David Dekadjevi. more detail.

Chantal Le Graet: "Ferromagnetic/anti-ferromagnetic nanostructures for microwave applications" supported on February 24, 2011, UBO thesis under the supervision of David Spenato. more detail.

Jian jun Li: "Magnétostriction des bicouches magnétiques" supported on November 12, 2008, Thesis UBO under the direction of Mikhail Indenbom and Jean-philippe Jay. more detail.

Publications Collaborations