Maître de conférences
Etablissement : Université de Bretagne Occidentale
Affectation de recherche : Lab-STICC (Laboratoire des sciences techniques de l'information, de la communication et de la connaissance)

Equipe(s) : Communications
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Articles dans une revue

T. Yaacoub, O. A. Dobre, R. Youssef and E. Radoi, "Optimal Selection of Fourier Coefficients for Compressed Sensing-Based UWB Channel Estimation," in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 466-469, Aug. 2017. doi: 10.1109/LWC.2017.2704105

Tina Yaacoub, Ana Maria Pistea, Roua Youssef, Emanuel Radoi, Gilles Burel. Échantillonnage compressé des signaux passe-bande à taux d’innovation fini. Application pour l’estimation du canal ultra-large bande et la localisation de précision en environnement intérieur. Traitement du Signal, Lavoisier, 2017, VOL. 33/4 - 2016, pp.415-440

R. Youssef and A. G. i. Amat, "Distributed Serially Concatenated Codes for Multi-Source Cooperative Relay Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 253-263, January 2011. doi: 10.1109/TWC.2010.102810.100422

Articles dans un congrès

T. Yaacoub, R. Youssef, E. Radoi and G. Burel, "Low complexity FRI based sampling scheme for UWB channel estimation," 2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Budapest, 2016, pp. 657-661. doi: 10.1109/EUSIPCO.2016.7760330

E. Radoi, A. M. Pistea, C. Canaff and R. Youssef, "Short range imaging and localization of human body behind obstructing surfaces using UWB signals," 2014 10th International Conference on Communications (COMM), Bucharest, 2014, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/ICComm.2014.6866677

R. Youssef, M. Caissière, M. Hélard and J. Hélard, "Distributed coding/modulation scheme with OFDM/OQAM based transmission for wireless cooperative relays systems," 2013 IEEE 24th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), London, 2013, pp. 1196-1200. doi: 10.1109/PIMRC.2013.6666320

R. Youssef, M. Hélard, M. Crussière and J. Hélard, "Effect of relaying on coverage in realistic deployment scenarios," 2012 19th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Jounieh, 2012, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/ICTEL.2012.6221274

R. Youssef, M. Hélard, M. Crussière and J. Hélard, "Distributed coding for OFDM-based transmission in cooperative broadcast networks," 2011 Third International Workshop on Cross Layer Design, Rennes, 2011, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/IWCLD.2011.6123071

R. Youssef and A. Graell i Amat, "Distributed Turbo-Like Codes for Multi-User Cooperative Relay Networks," 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Cape Town, 2010, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/ICC.2010.5501858


R. Youssef, M. Crussère, M. Hélard, J.-F. Hélard, ”Procédé d’émission d’uneséquence d’information, signal, entité source, entité relais, procédé de réception, entité destinataire, système et programme d’ordinateur correspondant”septembre 2012.

R. Youssef , A. Graell i Amat and R. Pyndiah, ”Procéd´é de transmission d’un signal numérique mettant en œuvre au moins un relais multiutilisateur dans un réseau coopératif, produit programme et dispositif relais correspondants” septembre 2009.