SEA-EU SOCIETY HUB brings together SEA-EU experts dedicated to advancing university collaborations with local NGOs, social entrepreneurs, and other regional partners, by pointing to the social dimension of the universities.
Participatory Budgeting in Higher Education: the case of the University of Algarve
Today, there is a great variety of participatory budgeting (PB) processes at different territorial levels and with different objectives, most of them related to public participation, learning citizenship and democracy. However, PB processes in higher education institutions are rare. We will describe and analyse the PB processes in the University of the Algarve (started in 2023) and try to understand what are their potentials and limitations.
Science Shop: the case study of the University of Gdansk
Science Shops are not “shops” in the traditional sense of the word. They are small entities that carry out scientific research in a wide range of disciplines on behalf of citizens and local civil society and are free of charge. The fact that Science Shops respond to civil society’s needs for expertise and knowledge is a key element that distinguishes them from other knowledge transfer mechanisms.
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