Emanuel Radoi
Emanuel Radoi graduated in Radar Systems from the Military Technical Academy of Bucharest, Romania, in 1992. In 1997 he received a M.Sc. degree, in Electronic Engineering, and in 1999 a Ph.D. degree, in Signal Processing, both from the University of Brest, France. He is currently a Professor of Signal Processing in the Electronics Department, at the University of Brest, and he is also with the “Information Security, Intelligence and Integrity” research team of the Lab-STICC, CNRS, UMR 6285. Emanuel Radoi has been an IEEE Senior Member since 2014 and served as Associate Editor of IEEE Communications Letters between 2018 and 2021. He has authored 20 book chapters and over 120 papers in international conferences/journals, and has received several awards, including Best Paper Award and Exemplary Reviewer. He has also chaired numerous international conference sessions and edited several special issues of international journals. Emanuel Radoi initially conducted research on time-frequency analysis, super-resolution radar imaging and automatic radar target recognition. Currently, his main research interests include UWB signal processing, compressed sensing, time-frequency analysis, cognitive radio, and full-duplex systems.