On the page use the links allowing access to various bibliographgic resources especialy those financed By LMBA (UBO and CNRS).
- UBODOC (UBO's centralised access to documentary resources)
- RNBM (National Maths Libraries Network, GDS 2755)
- Mathscinet (Access restricted to "univ-brest.fr")
- Zentralblatt (Access restricted to "univ-brest.fr")
- Online plateform Mathrice (GDS CNRS 2754)
- Mathdoc (National documentary coordination unit for mathematics)
- ABES (Academic bibliographic agency)
- INIST (Iop archives)
- bibliosciences (CNRS)
- NUMDAM (Digital Archives mathematical documents )
- HAL (Open Archives)
- HAL-UBO (UBO's resources on HAL)
- Help page (in french) for uploading documents on HAL-UBO
- arXiv (Prepublications)