8 March 2024
Faculté des Sciences Humaines VIctor Segalen, UBO, Brest
University of Western Brittany
Organized by the M2 TILE students in collaboration with PhD students of the École Doctorale ALL
Call for papers
deadline for proposals: 15th January 2024
German philosopher Ernst Alfred Cassirer (1874-1945) coined the Latin expression animal symbolicum to define humankind: in other words, societies and individuals assemble symbols and signs into multisensorial representations. Representations, in the Platonic tradition, act as intermediates between humans and reality and thus frame our understanding and interactions with and within a culturally-diverse world. As cultural productions, representations (from the Latin word representaere, “to make present”), are means of apprehending society.
Representations aims to explore processes which influence peer interactions and interpretations. Signs carry meaning and have played a substantial part in our views, perceptions and discourses throughout history. Panels will also be an opportunity to discuss
sociological implications manifesting in art and political movements, whether in cinema, literature, or music.
This will be a time to reevaluate dominant paradigms: norms, traditions, perceptions: How do we shape representations? What do our representations tell about our societies and cultural productions? What purpose do they serve? Possible areas of research include but are not limited to: cinema, visual arts, literature, linguistics, cultural studies, political studies.
Propositions should be no longer than 250 words for a 10-15 mins presentation. Please note that presentations will be done in English. We invite you to submit at the following address: representations.master.tile@gmail.com before January, 15th 2024. Confirmations will be sent by January, 26th 2024.