From 10th to 13th October, 7000 visitors came to the 'Village des Sciences' of Brest, as part of the French annual Science Fair ('Fête de la Science' 2024). More than 40 exhibition stands raised public awareness of science and its professions, and shared knowledge on their research themes. The LBAI laboratory took part in the event to talk about the role and functioning of the immune system, and to share knowledge on immunology, autoimmune diseases and immunothearpies in general.
The LBAI laboratory is grateful to Océanopolis for organizing the event, as well as the W.print 3D printing platform and the UBO Open Factory for producing the educational materials.

"À Brest, le village des sciences a ouvert ses portes aux scolaires avant d’accueillir le grand public ce week-end". Le Télégramme. 10 octobre 2024.