The LabEx IGO "Immunotherapy-Graft-Oncology" aims at fostering transdisciplinary projects between 15 scientific teams in Nantes, Angers, Rennes and Brest, with complementary expertise in transplantation and tumor immunology, autoimmunity, inflammation, and radio-immunotherapy.
Currently, the LabEx IGO gathers about 400 people (scientists, students, technical staff) from 15 research teams located in 4 academic research units (UMR1232, UMR1064, UMR1236, UMR1227) of the French large-western region (Nantes, Angers, Rennes, Brest).

The Immunotherapies network of the Cancéropôle Grand Ouest, which brings together some thirty teams, aims to promote research excellence in the field of cancer immunotherapies by facilitating collaborations between clinical and preclinical research teams in Western France.

The Cancéropôle Grand Ouest "Marine molecules, metabolism and cancer" network brings together multidisciplinary teams (chemistry, biology, biochemistry, clinical, technology platforms). This multidisciplinary approach has allowed the development of this network ranging from basic research and the design of molecules to the clinic withe the aim of developing translational research.

The team is involved in the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) network, the biggest European public-private initiative aiming at improving health by boosting the development of innovative medicines and patient access to them. IMI fosters collaboration between key players involved in health research (universities, research centres, industries, small and medium-sized enterprises, patient organisations and medicine regulators). It is a partnership between the European Union (represented by the European Commission) and the European pharmaceutical industry (represented by the EFPIA, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries).
LBAI has been involved in the following IMI projects:
- 3TR