Help to develop our management school through the apprenticeship tax
To contribute to the development of businesses and of our region, your support will help guarantee, over the years, the excellence of our educational model.
Funding through apprenticeship tax represents a significant part of our budget. It means that we can provide students with a good learning environment and low university fees.
How to make a financial contribution to IAE ?
There are two options:
- Online payments: We now offer an online payment platform which is user-friendly and automatically and immediately provides a tax deduction receipt (reçu libératoire).
- Cheque or bank transfer payments: please get in touch with the Business and Industry Relations Department (service relations entreprises).
>> payments can be made up until 31 May 2022

With your support during the 2020-2021 academic year we have been able to fund:
- Equipment for a creativity room, offering students an innovative training facility.
- The organisation of events for graduates to launch the IAE Alumni network.
- The setting up of two themed days to enhance student employability: Personal Development Day and Met’Day (Career Days).
- The research work conducted by the Economics and Management Laboratory of Western Brittany (LEGO) which favours the emergence of innovative managerial practices.
- Certifications such as TOEIC® (Test of English for International Communication) and AMF (Financial markets regulator, Autorité des Marchés Financières) that enhance our students’ skills.
- Teaching methods that simulate professional situations for students and allows them to participate in activities such as case studies and business simulation games.
For all of these reasons and more we need your help!